Poloniex clone script - Everything you know
Poloniex clone script is the most preferred way by many crypto newbies to launch their crypto exchange like poloniex. When they develop their crypto exchange with poleniex clone software, some crypto startups focus on the development cost. Generally, the cost of the Poloniex clone script is determined by various factors like including unique customizations to your crypto exchange , features enabled, etc.
The cost for launching a crypto exchange using the Poloniex clone script starts from $7000 only.
Salient features of poloniex clone script
- Crypto Wallet integration
- IEO Launchpad
- Order book system
- Multi-language support
- Margin trading
- Liquidity API and more
Security features of poloniex clone script
- Data encryption
- Verification through mail
- HTTPs authentication
- Two-factor authentication
- Anti-denial of services
- Cross-site request forgery protection
These are the major features that come with the poloniex clone script. You can acquire all these features when you get this script from the right service provider in the crypto market.
Currently, there are several service providers in the crypto marketplace. However, I would suggest one of the well-experienced clone script providers in the crypto market - Coinsclone. They offer the ultra-modern poloniex clone script with the latest trading modules. They have been in existence for years and delivered 150+ top-quality exchange clone scripts to their clients.
If you want to create a crypto exchange like poloniex at an affordable cost, then you can contact their team experts via:
Whatsapp/telegram: 9500575285